Rotunda Říp

We can find the rotunda Rip on a hill of the same name. It is ranked among the dominant monuments in this region and even in Czech Republic, mainly thanks to the legend narrating about the coming of the “father Cech”- the symbol of the Czech nation, to Bohemia who settled here on the hill Rip. This rotunda is the youngest in Czech Republic. We can admire its compound Romance windows with the medial column, the portal and the large semicircular windows made in 19th century. Inside decoration presents another person from Czech mythology, St. Jiri with the dragon by Seeling. The statue was created in 1870. The rotunda itself is built in Romance style with semicircular apse and round west tower. The tower was reconstructed by Sobeslav II. in honour of his victory in the battle in Chlumec 1126.
Rotunda on the top RipRotunda on the top Rip
Moutain RipMoutain Rip
Mountain Rip
Rip - ViewRip - View